Monday, March 23, 2015

Austin Fox
English Symposium

                I went to the fairytale session. I really enjoyed it because it allows you to use your imagination. The author really did a good job at painting a good picture of what was going on in my mind. She used a lot of descriptive words and imagery to draw in her audience. She painted the entire make believe world in our minds and was able to make us believe the story and be a part of it. That’s what I like about fairytales. It is a new story and allows you to picture things in your head how you interpret them. It’s a way to lose yourself from your worries in the world and go somewhere where your worries no longer are real. It helps clear the mind and give peace of mind because you can create your own world and reality in a sense. That’s why I enjoy this type of writing. Nothing else in the world matters when you enter this fantasy world. You can escape for a time being from your struggles and hardships and be a part of something that helps you get away. I thought she did a good job at describing and capturing the audience through her word choice.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I felt like the google search is a way good way to educate yourself and get a larger understanding/grasp of the topic you're about to research. There are only a few problems with google searching. Sometimes the sites aren't 100% factual and you may get false data. Although this is true, i feel like the internet really widens your perspective and allows you to understand a larger quantity of views and opinions.