Thursday, February 12, 2015

A Government in Thrall to Religion-Thesis

                As I was pondering over which topic to write my rhetorical analysis on, I came to the conclusion that Frank R. Zindler said a lot of things that are a lot easier to relate to than any of the other authors’. That being said, I will be writing on his speech: “A Government in Thrall to Religion.”
            I feel that he did an excellent job playing on the emotions of the rest of his atheist buddies. The points that he made were all very liable for one who doesn’t have any beliefs in a Supreme Creator. It is so easy to relate to what he’s saying because not only did he talk about our country when it was founded, but he spoke about how it is now. We can easily visualize the problems of pollution, the lack of interest placed in the breakthrough of cloning, the destruction of forests, cutback in financing of NASA, and growth as a human race. We see these things happening in front of our eyes. Zindler was clear in proving his point that without technology and the sciences behind the technology, we’d still be in the dark ages fighting wars with pointy pieces of steel. Thanks to the sciences we’ve discovered, living has become more of a paradise. Why not continue making our world and our nation more of a paradise to live in? Zindler uses this appeal to give his readers the animation and motivation to side with what he’s saying. The shots he takes against George Bush rile up all those in favor of science ruling out religion.

            With all of Zindlers logic and emotion it’s really hard to not want to agree with what he says. His speech could legitimately pull “fence sitters,” or those who don’t have strong opinions on the matter, to his side and appeal to a government without religion. 

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, Zindler definitely poses a lot of logical arguments in his piece.
