Friday, January 30, 2015

Reflection Op-ed response

        I really enjoyed writing the opinion editorial because it allows you to express your feelings on a matter while there are really no wrong answers. A strategy that I enjoy while writing is trying to play off of the emotions of the readers. Finding common morals in our culture and lifestyle while using those morals to show the reader the importance of the case that I'm voicing. And the importance of their decision to side with what I have to say. I also tended to write really straight forward showing the audience that there are no fence sitters. There's only one answer, and that answer is mine:) I used the strategy of telling stories and personal experiences to draw common ground for the reader and I, which helps them agree with what I have to say. I didn't have a whole lot of expectations for the opinion editorial, but I really did enjoy it in the end. I enjoyed hearing everyone's arguments and their reasons behind their arguments, and looking at new ways to go about my way of writing. Over all I'd say it was a success.


  1. I agree with you! There was a sort of satisfaction, in voicing your opinion and knowing that yours is the only correct one!;) being able to safely wright strait forward and not have to worry about offending or insulting (because it was the nature of the assignment) was relaxing and kinda fun!

  2. This almost perfectly conveys exactly what I could not say. I've never enjoyed writing opinionated pieces and having them graded because who really can tell you that your OWN opinion is wrong?

  3. I really enjoy (always) being right.... so I agree with you on this one :))

  4. I agree with you 100%.I found that the liberty I had as a writer on this assignment made all the difference in my final product. I was able to pick something I was passionate about and present it in the way I wanted.

  5. Good stuff, well said! I think the Opinion Editorial really was a great avenue for solidly proclaiming our opinion, and enjoying the process of utilizing various tools to emphasize and spice up our evidences and reasons! Keep on keepin' on!
