Monday, March 23, 2015

Austin Fox
English Symposium

                I went to the fairytale session. I really enjoyed it because it allows you to use your imagination. The author really did a good job at painting a good picture of what was going on in my mind. She used a lot of descriptive words and imagery to draw in her audience. She painted the entire make believe world in our minds and was able to make us believe the story and be a part of it. That’s what I like about fairytales. It is a new story and allows you to picture things in your head how you interpret them. It’s a way to lose yourself from your worries in the world and go somewhere where your worries no longer are real. It helps clear the mind and give peace of mind because you can create your own world and reality in a sense. That’s why I enjoy this type of writing. Nothing else in the world matters when you enter this fantasy world. You can escape for a time being from your struggles and hardships and be a part of something that helps you get away. I thought she did a good job at describing and capturing the audience through her word choice.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I felt like the google search is a way good way to educate yourself and get a larger understanding/grasp of the topic you're about to research. There are only a few problems with google searching. Sometimes the sites aren't 100% factual and you may get false data. Although this is true, i feel like the internet really widens your perspective and allows you to understand a larger quantity of views and opinions.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

A Government in Thrall to Religion-Thesis

                As I was pondering over which topic to write my rhetorical analysis on, I came to the conclusion that Frank R. Zindler said a lot of things that are a lot easier to relate to than any of the other authors’. That being said, I will be writing on his speech: “A Government in Thrall to Religion.”
            I feel that he did an excellent job playing on the emotions of the rest of his atheist buddies. The points that he made were all very liable for one who doesn’t have any beliefs in a Supreme Creator. It is so easy to relate to what he’s saying because not only did he talk about our country when it was founded, but he spoke about how it is now. We can easily visualize the problems of pollution, the lack of interest placed in the breakthrough of cloning, the destruction of forests, cutback in financing of NASA, and growth as a human race. We see these things happening in front of our eyes. Zindler was clear in proving his point that without technology and the sciences behind the technology, we’d still be in the dark ages fighting wars with pointy pieces of steel. Thanks to the sciences we’ve discovered, living has become more of a paradise. Why not continue making our world and our nation more of a paradise to live in? Zindler uses this appeal to give his readers the animation and motivation to side with what he’s saying. The shots he takes against George Bush rile up all those in favor of science ruling out religion.

            With all of Zindlers logic and emotion it’s really hard to not want to agree with what he says. His speech could legitimately pull “fence sitters,” or those who don’t have strong opinions on the matter, to his side and appeal to a government without religion. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

soooo....I'm not really sure how this rhetorical analysis is gonna turn out. It's hard for me to write about something that I don't agree on. Even trying to place myself in the shoes of the "intended audience" is wayyyy hard because all these articles to me are so far-fetched and unethical. All their beliefs go against mine and I feel like I have to lie to myself while lowering my standard to support what they are saying? I just don't like it. Not sure what to do!! ... :/

Thursday, February 5, 2015

"Faith in America"

                The purpose of this speech was to show American voters that electing a president based solely on his religion is a mistake. He wanted to show Americans that he being Mormon created value in his life and that he wasn’t ashamed of who he was. That he could be a great choice for president if the people vote for him.

Governor Romney really focused in on the lives that have been laid down to preserve our rights and freedoms. Here’s an example: “The lives of hundreds of thousands of American’s sons and daughters were laid down during the last century to preserve freedom...” He’s appealing to the emotions of the reader. Everyone feels a sense of honor and humility towards those that die so we can be free. He also continually talks about God. People are emotionally connected to God and it’s hard to try and contradict him when he’s saying things that they believe in.

Romney gains his credibility by stating that he was governor and showing that he can get the job done.  He also gains credibility through his knowledge of American history. He shows that he understands our country was founded on freedom and that that’s how it needs to stay. He relates to the reader by telling personal stories of his family. Of where they stand, what they’ve done in the past to show how they believe in freedom.


He used a lot of references to God and other religions, showing that he didn’t discriminate other peoples beliefs and that they shouldn’t discriminate against his either. Also talking about the Founding fathers and all the history of our country backs up what he says. It’s logic.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Mormon housewife blogger thing....


I feel like Matchar really focused on “pathos” as she related really well to the emotions of all who enjoy to blog. One example is when she closes she says that she won’t be inviting the missionaries over anytime soon but she does appreciate how the Mormon ladies uplift her. Everyone can relate to this! Nobody ever wants to talk to the missionaries. People run and hide when they see the missionaries.
                When she talks about the “perfect” Mormon families we all can relate. Lots of people look at Mormon families and think that the kids are perfect. They see happy families and people want happy families. If you see a happy family you want to watch them and emulate the things they do so you can achieve one too. 

                Matchar is very bold. She uses a lot of exclamation marks and questions that play on the readers emotions. The reader wants to figure out what the uproar is all about so they read more.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Reflection Op-ed response

        I really enjoyed writing the opinion editorial because it allows you to express your feelings on a matter while there are really no wrong answers. A strategy that I enjoy while writing is trying to play off of the emotions of the readers. Finding common morals in our culture and lifestyle while using those morals to show the reader the importance of the case that I'm voicing. And the importance of their decision to side with what I have to say. I also tended to write really straight forward showing the audience that there are no fence sitters. There's only one answer, and that answer is mine:) I used the strategy of telling stories and personal experiences to draw common ground for the reader and I, which helps them agree with what I have to say. I didn't have a whole lot of expectations for the opinion editorial, but I really did enjoy it in the end. I enjoyed hearing everyone's arguments and their reasons behind their arguments, and looking at new ways to go about my way of writing. Over all I'd say it was a success.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

introduction to Style Academy

Austin Fox

            As I watched the videos on sentence structure I liked the advice and feedback given. He shows a few different points of view and how you can write one idea a ton of different ways. It’s really quite fascinating how there can be 20 different people and all of them tend to write the same idea of a sentence in 20 different ways. We are all unique with our own backgrounds and personalities which lead us to write and say things in different manners. I liked the statements made in the imitation video. As we read and really focus in on the writing style of authors/writers we can pick up things we like and don’t like and apply those styles in our everyday lives. We can grow as writers and individuals by mimicking other people and making those styles our style. I feel like the practices might help with breaking bad habits such as: getting over making short choppy sentences, grammatical errors, and even just being a boring writer. So if you want to add a little flair to your writing or become a “master writer” as we might say, what better way to do it than through practice! Practice makes perfect! 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Well I hope this is how you do this assignment....

Michael Moore Fires Back…

G- All snipers are bad.
A- “The enemy are savages”.
S- If we kill people with snipers then we’re cowards.
C- “History will judge us harshly.”
A- Michael Moore
P- “Invading a country…is illegal and immoral.”

Interstate 84 semi-truck crash

G- The man should be dead.
A- He prayed for help.
S- If the semi had slid any further then he’d have been crushed.
C- He survived and the road was closed off due to the car pile-up.
A- Author works for “The Oregonian”.

P- Whitby says, “Thank God for the miracle."

Thursday, January 15, 2015

     My thesis...It's the same thing a submitted last time...sorry I was a bit confused before :)

         The topic that I’ve chosen to write my essay on would not only change individuals, but most certainly change the world. I disagree with advertising by using women’s bodies to make a sell. It’s one thing when you’re doing a commercial clothed; but something socially, and morally wrong when you see more skin and less clothes. I’ve chosen this topic for a number of reasons, a few of which I’ll be privileged to touch on in the upcoming essay. For one, women lose self-confidence and self-esteem when they see pictures of half-naked women. They deserve to feel confident with themselves. The fact that they go to the store and can’t do anything about seeing fake undressed women because they’re literally decorating the walls of every clothing store out there is dead wrong. Not only does it affect the women but it affects the men. It ruins relationships. Men lose sight on what’s important and it tears apart marriages. It’s not fair to anyone. Not to mention all the other people who are victims to this tragedy such as children. What are we trying to say to our children?! That it’s ok to show off your body? Children are pure and innocent until we corrupt them. They see garbage at a young age and it will mold their minds into something terrifying creating monsters for the future. We say we want to make our world a better place…but do we really mean it? Are we making an effort to teach the future generations’ positive values and etiquette to save the world from so much pain and grief? We say we want to give our children the great future that we never had, but are we willing to look in the right places for the right answers? As we eliminate naked advertising our children will be better prepared to create the world we wish we could live in, relationships will thrive, and women will be able to have the confidence that they don’t have to be something that they’re not. Individuals will be happier, but more importantly our families will be happier and united. Do you want to make a difference in this world? Let’s put an end to the things that cause so much agony, in so many people’s lives. No more nude advertising. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Writing Thesis...yaaaa buddy:)

Austin Fox

                The topic that I've chosen to write my essay on would not only change individuals, but most certainly change the world. I disagree with advertising by using women’s bodies to make a sell. It’s one thing when you’re doing a commercial clothed; but something socially, and morally wrong when you see more skin and less clothes. I've chosen this topic for a number of reasons, a few of which I’ll be privileged to touch on in the upcoming essay. For one, women lose self-confidence and self-esteem when they see pictures of half-naked women. They deserve to feel confident with themselves. The fact that they go to the store and can’t do anything about seeing fake undressed women because they’re literally decorating the walls of every clothing store out there is dead wrong. Not only does it affect the women but it affects the men. It ruins relationships. Men lose sight on what’s important and it tears apart marriages. It’s not fair to anyone. Not to mention all the other people who are victims to this tragedy such as children. What are we trying to say to our children?! That it’s ok to show off your body? Children are pure and innocent until we corrupt them. They see garbage at a young age and it will mold their minds into something terrifying creating monsters for the future. We say we want to make our world a better place…but do we really mean it? Are we making an effort to teach the future generations’ positive values and etiquette to save the world from so much pain and grief? We say we want to give our children the great future that we never had, but are we willing to look in the right places for the right answers? As we eliminate naked advertising our children will be better prepared to create the world we wish we could live in, relationships will thrive, and women will be able to have the confidence, that they do not have to be something they’re not. Individuals will be happier, but more importantly our families will be happier and united. Do you want to make a difference in this world? Let’s put an end to the things that cause so much agony in so many people’s lives. No more nude advertising.

Monday, January 5, 2015


I'm Austin Fox. I'm from Tri-cities, Washington. I'm 6'5. I'm way excited for this class and the opportunity I have to improve my writing skills because as of right now......there's a lot of room for improvement :P I love learning and seeing myself grow. And YES....I'm a Mormon:) haha